
APELL - Volume 5 Issue 1

Where has the time gone? We have come to the end of yet another year. It has indeed been a busy one for all of us on the Executive.

Accomplishments in 1995

Welcome to the New Layout

We hope everyone enjoys the new layout of the newsletter. If you have any questions concerning the layout, please direct them to Steve Slaby.

Executive Meetings for 1996

These are the tentative dates for Wednesday meetings of your Executive for 1996. They all start at 7:30 pm. If you wish to have a certain topic discussed at a meeting, feel free to contact any member of the Executive.

Security: Neighbourhood Watch

With coming of winter, and the closing of cottages for another winter season, we have already received notice of break-ins. Rita Lingen's barn was recently broken into, and apparently several skidoos have been stolen. We ask that people who visit their cottage during the winter months or who skidoo on the lake, keep an eye out for everyone's cottages. Be a good neighbour. Do unto others as you would have them do unto you.

Promptly report any strangers lurking around illegally to the Q.P.F. (1-819-449-4333) If you spot their vehicle, jot down the license number for later reference.

Plans for 1996

The APELL Constitution

Again, in 1996, we will be proposing some changes to our association constitution, notably quorum requirements for general meetings and the calling of special executive meetings for discussion of specific topics of importance. Scheduling of bi-monthly executive meetings throughout the year. Preparation of annual financial statements. We will keep you informed.

The 1995 Municipal Election

Our involvement in the 1995 municipal election process in Blue Sea was received with mixed emotions. In this package, you will find a letter giving you the results along with other personal comments from our President.

During the campaign, most candidates pledged themselves publicly to work closely with the various lake associations and cottagers in general. We sincerely hope that this outpouring of goodwill will translate into some positive results. It is our intention early in the new year to request from the new council two fundamentally important considerations:

Winter Ice Fishing

We remind honest fishermen that you are allowed a maximum of 5 rods (a bascule) when fishing on the ice, that you must be in full view of all 5 at all times, and that they are not allowed to remain unattended overnight. It is also illegal to make a fire on the lake.

For those of you that are not so honest, we will not tolerate a repetition of last year, where one cottage owner was seen, during March break, with 27 lines in front of their cottage. If a comparable event is again witnessed, the authorities will be called in to make the appropriate arrests, and associated confiscations will be recommended. (Game warden, Louis Carpentier, 1-819-463-2660)

Zoning Changes

The Tremblay clan have requested us to insert in this newsletter an information sheet which is self-explanatory. Should any member wish to similarly insert an item for public consumption, we invite them to do so. We only ask that members avoid specific advertising and keep the contents in good taste.

Closing Notes

I would like to say how pleased I have been with the very positive atmosphere in which your Executive has worked in the past year. We have accomplished so much, only due to the untiring efforts put in by them. I have sincerely enjoyed working with them.

Season's Greetings

At this time of the year, let us put aside our petty bickering, our conflicts with our neighbours, our complaints against our elected representatives, parochial issues, language problems, and provincial, cultural, and political differences.

We, the Executive, wish to extend to one and all, our best wishes for the holiday season upon us. May your Christmas be merry, and may you be filled with joy and prosperity throughout the coming year.

May your troubles, trials, and tribulations all be small ones, and may your rewards be bountiful.

We as an association, should resolve in 1996 to expanding our membership representation on both lakes (Latourelle and Morrissette), to closer communication with other associations within the municipality and to a working partnership with the municipal council for the general improvement of our community

Financial Statement for 1995

Cash in Bank           $1,801.42
Bank Share Cap.            $5.00
Outstanding Deposit      $334.50

Contract Liability     $1,000.00
Due to m. Richardson      $41.61
Due to P. Whelan         $161.96

Carried Fwd Prior Yr   $1,208.65
Curren Yr Profit (LOSS)   $38.72

Primary Memberships (49) $735.00
Secondary Memberships(24)$240.00
Lake Stocking            $722.00
Advertising              $215.00
Wearing Apparel        $1,876.50
Sale of Maps              $29.00
Interest Income            $1.34
Total Receipts                          $3,818.84

Bank Charges               $2.50
Xmas Party Donations     $125.00
Clothes Purchases      $1,753.52
Annual Filing Fees        $30.00
Fish Stocking Reserve  $1,000.00
Foodstuffs & Coffee       $49.22
Large Maps               $116.15
Memberships               $75.00
Office Furniture          $40.00
Office Sup. / Postage    $187.44
Annual Picnic (94)       $104.00
Annual Picnic (95)       $161.96
Promotional Expenses      $65.50
Telephone                 $69.83

Operating Profit (Loss)                    $38.72
To surplus Account                         $38.72

Executive Committee for 1995

Name Title Home Phone# Cottage Phone #
Morris Richardson President    
Fran Barresi Vice-President    
Rita Lingen Secretary/ Treasurer    
Steven Slaby Director    
Vince Barresi Director    
Ramona MacFarlane Director    
Andre Lirette Director    
Cristian Juteau Alternate Director    
Doug Heath Alternate Director    

The executive welcome calls from members, but we would ask they be before 9 PM.

We would like to take this opportunity to thank our new sponsors for supporting our assocation, and we invite our members to avail themselves of their services and products whenever the opportunity arises.

The executive would like to wish everyone a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year !!

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Last Updated:January 7, 1997